Production and sale of Biodegradable plastic bag

زمان مطالعه: 5 دقیقه One of the synthetic materials whose production is increasing day by day in different types and applications is plastic and plastic compounds. Although plastic packaging with a low price provides the possibility of checking different products, especially food, but the big environmental problem resulting from it has plagued humanity. Plastics are polymers that are prepared ...

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زمان مطالعه: 5 دقیقه

One of the synthetic materials whose production is increasing day by day in different types and applications is plastic and plastic compounds.

Although plastic packaging with a low price provides the possibility of checking different products, especially food, but the big environmental problem resulting from it has plagued humanity.

Plastics are polymers that are prepared from the synthesis of raw materials called monomers. Monomers are toxic and harmful to human health. While polymers are neutral and pose no risk to human health, But the problem here is that usually some monomer remains in the polymer preparation process.

How to break down plastic

What is a biodegradable plastic bag?

In response to the question, what is a biodegradable plastic bag, it should be mentioned that plant polymer raw materials are used in the production of biodegradable plastics or any type of vegetable plastic. The amount of addition of these materials determines the time of plastic decomposition in nature.

For this reason, all plastic products that use vegetable polymer raw materials in their production are called vegetable plastic or vegetable nylon. By using biodegradable polymers in the manufacture of plastics, the life of plastics left in the environment is minimized. 

Replacing nylon with bio-nylon

Production of biodegradable plastic bag

Biodegradable plastic bag are made from degradable polymers that are obtained from plants (vegetable polymer materials).

For this purpose, they first remove the polymers from the plant masses, and in the next step, these polymers are introduced into the production cycle.

This vegetable polymer material is based on edible starch and a little plastic polymer. By producing vegetable polymers, nylon and biodegradable plastic bag can be produced.

Plastic produced from plant materials

Biodegradable plastic decomposition time

The polymer materials added to this type of plastic bag give it a degradable property. Depending on the amount of substances that are added, the rate of decomposition varies.

Decreasing or increasing the amount of polymer materials causes the biodegradable plastic bag to decompose in nature between 6 months and 2 years.

Plastic decomposition time

Advantages of using degradable plastic bags

Due to the dangers of plastic for the planet and natural ecosystems, some plastic manufacturing industries have started using recyclable materials in the production of their products.

Biodegradable plastic bag is an example of these measures. Degradable or biodegradable plastic is easily recyclable and, unlike conventional plastics, does not remain in nature for years.

Using this type of plastic bags reduces the production of plastic waste and helps a lot to protect the environment.

Biodegradable plastic bag printing

There are some business owners who want to use biodegradable plastic bags or vegetable plastic bags, but they may think that it is not possible to print on biodegradable plastic.

It is worth mentioning that any type of printing is possible on these plastic bags. Because the same characteristics of normal plastic can be seen in these plastics. It is possible to produce degradable plastic in various basic colors.

Printing orders are also made in six to eight colors with a variety of images and writing on the bags with the highest quality.

Biodegradable plastic bag printing

Producible dimensions of biodegradable plastic

These nylons can be produced in all types of sizes and dimensions. Any size can be produced depending on customer needs and consumer orders. Customization is done based on the needs of the consumer.

Biodegradable garbage bag

One of the types of biodegradable plastic products is the production of biodegradable garbage bags. Due to the large and inevitable use of these plastic bags, its degradability can be one of the most important items to choose.

Of course, in advanced and industrialized countries that have strict health standards, biodegradable garbage bags have a lot of demand and demand for production and consumption.

Biodegradable garbage bag

The price of degradable plastic bag in the market

The price of degradable plastic depends on the amount of vegetable polymer raw materials used and is slightly higher than the price of normal plastic.

But it should be noted that these plastic bags are a little lower than normal plastic bags in terms of resistance, elasticity and printability, or we can even say that they are not comparable.

Promotional biodegradable plastic bags

For effective and low-cost advertising of your brand, you can use logo printing and design on biodegradable plastic bags.

With this, in addition to easily having efficient and effective advertisements, you will not destroy the planet due to the use of renewable plastic bags.

Degradable plastic bag

Biodegradable plastic bag raw materials

The primary material of biodegradable plastic is vegetable polymers. Among them, we can mention polyethylene, polypropylene and polystyrene.

Suggestions to solve the problem of plastic bags

The main idea to solve the problem of plastics is to create a direct cycle of them. It means that they can be reused after being used and thrown away; four paths can be designed to achieve this goal:

  1. Use of biodegradable plastic bags
  2. Production of edible plastics
  3. Change in the design of packaging plastics
  4. Replacing plastic bags with bioplastic bags
Plastic and nature

Edible plastic production

For example, a type of packaging plastic has recently been presented, which actually only looks like plastic. Forest materials and agricultural products have been used to make it.

These products can be used to package breakfast cereals, nuts and cheese. This idea can be applied to 15% of product packaging.

Edible plastics

Replacing plastic bags with bioplastic bags

To solve the problem of plastic in the environment, one of the things that is recommended is the use of bioplastic bags.

The use of bioplastics with their biodegradable and degradable properties will greatly help to solve the problem of the accumulation of plastics in the environment.

Biodegradable plastic

What materials should be used for the degradability of plastic in its production process?

In Iran, the following materials are used to decompose nylon products:
Polyethylene, polypropylene and polystyrene

It should be said that the consumption of these materials in the plastic production process is one to two percent.

An example of degradable plastic

The following product is one of the products of the nylon and plastic company in the field of bio-plastics. The product of the Nylex group is a renewable stirrup handle. The renewability of these plastic bags is one of their most important advantages.

Characteristics of a biodegradable plastic

  1. Maintaining physical, mechanical, tensile and compressive strength
  2. Very little change in the finished price (completely affordable)
  3. Decomposition of polymer into organic fertilizer, water and carbon dioxide within 6 months to 2 years, which finally turns into oxygen in the photosynthesis cycle.

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